The Rebound effect – Meditation side effects

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Meditation may seem to rebound (Meditation Side Effects). You might find yourself deluged by a surge of negative emotions— anger, anxiety, or else—on the day of or the day after meditation. This is not unnatural. Your body has been functioning within a specific emotional balance, and when positive emotions increase suddenly, the negative ones may quickly resurface to restore equilibrium. This is akin to your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems constantly working to maintain balance; when one takes over, the other compensates. Ultimately, your body strives for balance, as this state is its ‘safe’ zone.

Is it good then? Yes, since you now have the chance to balance your inner positivity and negativity levels and create a new “safe” condition by clearing yourself of negative energy. These are ultimately the result of emotional toxins being released from deep inside your system at the same time that positivity and serenity tend to make their way deeper within. Each of us experiences an upswing in emotions when negativity—that is, emotional and mental barriers from unprocessed emotions like anxiety, wrath, or grief resulting from abuse or trauma—is removed from the centre of emotions. As you continue to slow down and become silent by connecting with your inner space, the “unprocessed files” from your inner reservoir may continue to emerge for a considerable amount of time. It may not be an easy journey and chance of getting pulled to the earlier comfort zone is high. You could quickly become overwhelmed by the magnitude of your emotions and go into even more aggressive mode. Meditation may seem harmful then.

So what is the best thing to do when meditation side effects happen?

First and foremost, you must acknowledge that a detoxification process is underway. You would have more influence over the issue if you understood this. Recognise that science is at play here. Then just allow the emotions to rise through and observe them flow through your system. Do not gratify it by paying it attention, else it would end up getting entrenched in the same place from which it was meant to be uprooted. Additionally, engage in activities that channel your aggression, such as karate, kickboxing, or pushing yourself hard at the gym.

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