Earthquakes and Tsunamis – The conventional karma angle

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Guided by the Supreme Energy and its impeccable laws, you will come to understand that everything happens for a reason. Not everyone who perishes in a natural calamity would have had an inherent likelihood of such a fate. Natural disasters, which often leave people questioning and doubting the very fabric of universal law, is a two way effect in the grand design of existence.

Firstly, it may be the result of a collective account of all individual karmas held separate for humanity. When the total quantity of bad karma for all of us crosses a certain threshold or there is a bigger deviation from being loving human beings, a natural disaster is unleashed on us. This natural tragedy lessens and balances bad karma by uniting humans and reminding them of the larger forces at work.

Second, the majority of these calamities, if not all of them, might be attributed to the karma impact. The effect of the karma of humanity is found in the depletion of the ozone layer. The ozone layer, which protects the earth from UV rays, is diminishing as a result of human activity and interference, causing significant health impacts on all humans, not just those who started the depletion. We are all in this together. Finally, it is a battle between the good and the bad; bad here refers to humans, while good refers to the ozone layer created by the Supreme Power. When you disobey the rules and interfere with nature, you are the one who is wrong.

Similarly, allegations are emerging that deep drilling, mining, and other operations in sensitive biological zones cause earthquakes and tsunamis, indicating interference with natural law. Similarly, there have been tales of other natural events that occur and wreak widespread destruction.

The combination of the above two scenarios indicates that, while part of the results are obtained spontaneously through the law of karma, the remainder must be induced. Through both the above two cases, people not intended to die may possibly die. No Karma is deducted from individual accounts because the punishment is for humanity, not the individual. Individual karma is difficult to determine because no one has a clear understanding of the afterlife.

Researches through past life regression has generally shown that people who die in accidents tend to come back faster than those who die a natural death. Sounds rational, since for the greater good of humanity, lives need to be removed well in advance sometimes and then sent back again as quicky as possible to ensure continuity. The soul will return to where it left off in terms of spiritual growth. Early death is not suffering, so the new soul will not be repaid in any way, such as with additional riches.

Mass Spiritual Upliftment

On a lighter note, it appears that the Supreme Power was either out of time or had grown tired and sick of rewarding individuals. As a result, it consistently ensures a program known as mass spiritual upliftment, in which thousands and lakhs of individuals participate simultaneously.

The forces of nature are set in motion whenever required, whether through cyclones, floods, or other calamities. Their mode of operation carries an important lesson—that we are all interconnected and must remain united. Such events serve as powerful reminders of the existence of one universal consciousness. When disasters strike, they act as catalysts, nudging humanity toward unity and collective awareness.

Here, I have explored karma from the conventional give-and-take perspective, as it simplifies understanding. However, the deeper workings behind the scenes may be far more intricate and nuanced than they appear. You can get a bit more understanding of karma in my other article here.