Is there reincarnation? Do past lives exist?

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Reincarnation, or “Punarjanma,” is a hotly contested issue that is mostly used in reference to karma. As such, it merits being heard more as a court case in which both the prosecution and defence will make arguments in favour of their positions. You are the judge.


The defense  view of Reincarnation

This is the defence attorney’s argument for reincarnation.

My Lord,

One occasionally encounters circumstances that are hard to connect to the acts that go along with them. So where are these additional outcomes or life experiences coming from? Whether you’re wealthy or poor, attractive or ugly, healthy or disabled, there are many inequities in our society that you have no control over. Intuition says that there is something more to it than mere randomness. There has to be some rationale behind this inequality.

Numerous authors have written books that describe their patients’ past lives, and past life regression has grown to be a significant new field. Many people carry scars from past births, and they often begin to speak and even sing in the language of their past life. These sessions are supported by documented evidence that has been shown to the public. It is a rapidly developing method for resolving a lot of your present life’s important but unsolved issues. Over time, even the medical world has begun to take the idea seriously.

A child’s recall of numerous occurrences and detailed information about their previous life, such as their family, place of residence, street name, occupation, etc., has been conclusively documented in thousands of cases.

Reincarnation is a belief found in many religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism. One of the major tenets of Hinduism that is widely acknowledged by many of its adherents is reincarnation, or “Punarjanma.” In order to attain ‘Moksha’, or liberation, reincarnation is the natural cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The early Buddhist texts contain several allusions to reincarnation.

One can communicate with the other world using a variety of methods, such as family constellations and automatic writing. Additionally, their experiences have been properly validated. People have been able to communicate with their loved ones who have passed on and have learnt things from them that only they know. This proves, at the very least, that life is more than just this physical form.


The prosecutor view of Reincarnation

It was time for the prosecutor to continue the discussion after the break. His main points are as follows:

The court requires facts and scientific proof. Science rejects both “Punarjanma” and reincarnation. Moreover, reincarnation is not a belief in “Punarjanma” in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.

And lastly yes, there have indeed been numerous accounts of past life regression, but the true nature of these experiences remains uncertain. It is unclear whether individuals are genuinely recalling past lives or simply experiencing vivid dreams or subconscious fabrications. Indeed, there have been documented instances where a youngster has knowledge without any obvious explanation. But they are subject to skepticism of their own. One key argument is that these cases tend to be more prevalent in cultures where reincarnation is a widely accepted belief, which may introduce a cognitive or societal bias into their interpretation.


The Judge’s Afterthought – Does Reincarnation really exist!

As you investigate further as a judge before giving the final verdict, you focus on the arguments given by the prosecutor. You realise that while science is largely ignorant about reincarnation, it is not opposed to it. Just the way it is clueless about a lot of things, from how the human brain or cell functions to how the universe functions. A theory is not refuted by the absence of facts.

Additionally, there is some disagreement among Judaism, Christianity, and Islam regarding reincarnation, but they are primarily in favour of a single birth. They believe that God has selected us—some rich, some poor, and others—to act and play the parts in accordance with God’s will. Nonetheless, reincarnation is a belief held by certain sects within these religions. They give the example of some extremely poor people whose primary concern is simply surviving each day. They contend that it would be a great injustice that is impossible under God’s authority if God wanted even these individuals, who are wholly incapable of comprehending the part they are meant to play. You also recognise an important fact that some of these religions’ original teachings, which favoured reincarnation, were eventually modified to serve the interests of the powerful.

In fact, one of the verses in the Qur’an reads, “And you were dead, and He brought you back to life. And He shall cause you to die, and shall bring you back to life, and in the end shall gather you unto Himself (2:28)”. This seems to point at none but reincarnation.

And finally, it’s entirely possible that many of the details in past life regression accounts or documented cases of children recalling past lives may not be accurately attributed. However, the cases that are true to the core are startling. There is no other explanation for how a child can recall details about a past life—such as a village, family, or home in a town they’ve never visited in this lifetime—especially when these details have been verified. The same goes for cases documented worldwide during past life regression, where individuals suddenly start speaking or singing in a language they’ve never learned. This phenomenon, known as Xenoglossia, is even more striking when the person speaks an archaic version of a language from centuries ago, making it unlikely to be a forgotten memory or pure imagination. With countless such cases reported, even if many are misattributed to reincarnation, the ones that remain defy any other explanation.

In summary, if we analyze the evidence objectively, the likelihood of reincarnation being real outweighs the possibility of it being mere coincidence or misconception.

Karma and reincarnation have been deeply intertwined for centuries. Karma is the universal law of cause and effect, guiding the journey of the soul across lifetimes. There is nothing good or bad about it. The poor life is not bad, nor is the wealthy life. The educated life is not bad, nor is the uneducated life. Through each reincarnation, we step into new roles, gaining a deeper understanding of life’s struggles. This cycle fosters growth, shaping us into more compassionate, tolerant, and enlightened beings.

How to live our life in view of the above light has be shared in the book ‘Can You Play‘. The book takes a deep, scientific dive into karma and its impact on your present life, offering a clear, practical roadmap to help you live fully and successfully.