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Breathing is far more important than we often acknowledge. It orchestrates the entire flow of air in our body, influencing a wide range of physiological functions. However, like any essential practice, it is crucial to stay mentally present in the beginning as you learn and practice proper breathing techniques. Understanding the significance of breath allows you to breathe properly, unlocking its full potential.

While I won’t dive into the mechanics of breathing here, one crucial point stands out: it’s not just how you breathe but also what you breathe that matters. If your lungs are filled with polluted city air instead of pure oxygen, it’s time to rethink your environment. Seek out spaces surrounded by greenery, where the air is fresh and truly nourishing.

We all need real, quality breathing—something no office air conditioner can ever replace. Nothing, absolutely nothing, comes close to the purity of nature.

Explore more about the vitality of the human body on our Vitality. You can even book a consultation in Vitality Consultation.