All is one truth!!

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Just realised that finally all paths lead to that one truth. Throughout history, countless intellectuals, scholars, spiritual sages, and gurus have pointed to this fundamental truth in their own unique ways. In fact, it is funny, how religions have been misinterpreted; at their core, they were only asking us to live simply. Maybe its the shortsightedness of their founders, but again limited with their own intellectuality like we all do, that they could not sense this coming. That what they will preach will not be practised, but will be distorted and only become a means to fight other human beings and create more conflict. More on the religion part later. But just happened to read some insightful verses from Nisargadatta Maharaj’s preaching. He said “Know the knower of the mind”, which is answer to the question posed by Shri Ramana Maharshi, “Who am I.” Think about it!

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