I have witnessed lives change as people begin to chew things they previously hadn’t, as people become aware of their own existence. While predominantly dealing with nutritional diet, vitality will address the overall well-being that can bring lasting peace and energy in your life.
Your body is already capable of self-healing. It is the best doctor you can ever find. Every cell in your body is intelligent and can defend itself. Sadly, it is dependent upon you for its ammunition. If all that it needs is a pistol but you provide it with a knife, the enemies will have a better chance of winning. In turn, you become diseased. The current lifestyle, eating habits, pollution, pesticides – you name it and they are there inside all of us fighting their battle hard with our loyal cells.
I have seen, directly or indirectly, many of this so called conditions like asthma, diabetes, allergies, depression, anxiety, OCD, etc go away in a whisker as the right set of nutrients kicked in. For instance, this person named X struggled with chronic migraines for five years, consulting numerous doctors—from leading Ayurvedic practitioners to homeopaths, conventional doctors, psychologists, and even alternative healers. X felt hopeless after all these attempts. However, everything changed with a dietary shift. Come the healthy food and the life came back normal in no time. Imagine the state of current medical system, as one reputed doctor calls his illness permanent and asks him to pray to God and another makes him listen to positive speeches online, both charging obnoxious amounts, when all that X needed was some dose of a vitamin.
I’ve seen digestive issues disappear for people who have battled them for years. Costly medications, supplements, and treatments from top specialists often fall short when confronted with the benefits of a balanced nutritional diet and healthy lifestyle. The doctors are left clueless. I have seen elder people with lethargy getting energized and plan trips out of the blue after several years. I have seen them getting an urge to learn new things, like driving a car. Within a week of being forced to chew some simple food items, a person who had nearly given up on the material world was struggling for money. I have seen students trying hard for important entrance examinations making it through with ease upon changing their diet. I have seen people reverse age, looking young and bright in their forties, fifties and more. I have seen bed-ridden people get up and walk with the right nutritional diet. I have seen anger and sadness go away. I have witnessed all of these.
Our Approach to Vitality
My interest and curiosity in the subject of nutrition, medicine, mind, body and healing has made me read and skim hundreds of books and research deep into these. I have validated my understanding on nutrition, medicine, etc from prominent centres and dieticians of the country. In essence, we bring you a very holistic knowledge at one place. I have understood medicine deeper, and the various forms of it from ayurveda to the current conventional medicine.
At times your vitality may need recourse of an even broader scheme, such as metaphysics healing techniques like the past life therapy, reiki, or pranic healing. Or may be one of the alternative forms of medicine like Acupuncture is the cure. Maybe the lifestyle, the way you breath, or maybe in making you walk lies the cure. Maybe it’s the negative energy affecting your rhythm and you need a spiritual remedy. Or maybe, there is a miracle drink out there that has cured all the problems. Many a times multiple systems need to work in tandem to solve a problem. There’s life over and beyond the current multi-billion dollar modern day medicine. If all you have is a hammer, everything else will appear a nail.
I am an eggetarian, hence my knowledge is more focussed towards the same diet. However it can help non-vegetarians to an equal extent. Please do not expect any hi-fi data and stats about your body. Our whole effort here is to guide you back to your roots, because that is where lies the cure. In the process, many of your adverse states brought about by unhealthy choices should cure, wither away or show substantial improvements. The core focus remains the same – pass on the right weapons to your cells and they will take care of the rest. If they are at ease, you will not face any disease. Your life will change for good. Let the charge of your vitality be with none other, but you.
Consultation Approach
While the base of consultation will be vitality nutrition (since that is where most people have messed up today), through the knowledge acquired over the years, our team will give you a holistic solution so that you are at your vitality best. You will learn a lot as different perspectives from different sciences will come into play. This awareness on health will strengthen your roots and in the process, your ill conditions as well, if any, should gradually fade away.
So you can consider our team as a Vitality Consultant, officially. Unofficially, a friend, a well-wisher who has a healthier you as one of his key priorities. Based on your current lifestyle we will consult you towards a right lifestyle and direct you towards the right techniques. It might include nutrition, exercise, medicine, healing techniques or introduce some spiritual practice in your life. Our team will do research for you if and when needed. Your body and mind will eventually have to come together to ensure you complete vitality.
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